Upgrade from BH 3.0.5 to 3.0.9


Vu+ Newbie

I've upgraded from BH 3.0.5 to 3.0.9 on my VU+ DUO2.
I find that restoring my personal backup (in full) runs fine with no obvious errors, but when it reboots I find not much has worked. The tuner config isn't present and it says they are unconfigured. Looks like my bouquets and channels are there, but no legible information (to be expected). My timer settings are all missing. My network setting hasn't restored either.

Also when I press the "R" button it allows me to see the movie list, but I'm unable to navigate anywhere. Usually pressing the button twice takes you to the movie folder area. If there's some plugin/addon I need or there's a new method then please let me know.

Any help appreciated please. Even to just get the sat channels back up and running without doing a complete new setup as it's going to take hours.



Personal backup has never been a serious option: it simply doesn't work. When you make an upgrade the only things easy to save are channels and bouquets.
This can be done by a software for PC or simply by OWIF (OpenWebInterface).
If you are experienced with FTP, you can also save (before flashing) the file setting in /etc/enigma2: it contains many useful personal configuration, starting from the tuners (the lines starting by "Config.Nims").
After the reinstalling you can use the old one to copy the needed lines into the new one.
I also save the files:

but they can be transferred only during startup process, before it finishes.


Vu+ Newbie
great thanks. Is there any reason the media player accessible via the "R" button cannot go up a folder any more to access the sub-folders within /hdd/movie?


BH is different, for instance, from OBH where you can browse your folders up and down. In BH you have never had the option to browse. You can only press the REC LIST button twice to have access to bookmarks and, there, to switch between choosing a bookmark or browsing folders.