4.2. issues with multiple recordings and tuners' management


Since 4.2 has been released, and despite it is now at .012 update, I'm keeping going back and forward to the old 4.1.022 because 4.2 has been having strange issues, particularly with multiple recordings and, more in general, with tuners' management.
For instance, despite an SCR LNB, and exactly the same configuration I've been using in the last 2 years, if I'm recording from a channel using one of the SCR frequency, when I zap... 4.2 jumps some of the channels in the bouquet, even if there is only one recording active.
But, even more strangely, if I select one the jumped channel directly, no problem!
So, I had also problems with timers, because I got warnings about conflicting timers even if the recording I needed didn't engage all my SCR frequencies.
But I now know that this is not only a problem affecting sat TV channels managed by my SCR but also my twin DVB-T tuner.
Again, I got timers' warning just because I wanted two recordings overlapping each other. Never happened before, even because the two DVB-T tuners often use same transponders, so that I was able to record from many channels at the same time.

Then also other issues with recording from different LNBs (as I reported in this other thread, I have a mixed configuration of a SCR and two Universal LNBs, but I had never had troubles before, neither with OBH, nor with BH).
So, putting together all these situation, I suppose there is something wrong in the new 4.2 coding, and I think it's useful to report it.

If it might help, I could try some other image, although I'm not interested at all in any of them.


When i wrote this message we were at 4.2.012. Now we are at 4.2.021 and the issue is still here.
So, I decided to try if the same issues affected also OpenVIX, (trying OpenPli is more complicated and less reliable because it has some problems to run in multiboot). Well: I found out the OpenVIX is not affected by these serious problems.
So, maybe this info is useful for OBH coders, as it seems that there are some common components, between the two images, as it is resulting also from our work on the translation with insanity.