AirPlayer Help


Vu+ Newbie
Can anyone help me on how to use Air Player?

I have an Iphone 4s a an Ipad and a VU+ Uno 1.7.2 installed and also airplayer plug in on it.

I already purchase AirPlayer App for Iphone and I can see my home NAS but no my VU+ and on my VU+ I cannnot do nothing. NAS and VU are wired connected to the same router and Iphone is wireless.

So how do I configure this to work?

Thanks in advance,


Vu+ Newbie
Another question to add to this: With Air Player I can see on Iphone the VU content and the other way around? Can I see my iphone content using VU? If so how?


Vu+ Newbie

All you can really do with Air Player and Vu+ is to stream Youtube video and photos from your Iphone to your TV via your receiver.

Open Youtube on your Iphone, choose a video, and when you go to play it you should see a little icon of a tv screen with an upward arrow in it in bottom right hand corner of your phone. Press that and the video should appear on your TV screen. When the video finishes, the receiver will return to normal TV viewing. Same with Camera Roll. Doesn't seem to work for streaming MP3 audio though.


Vu+ Newbie
OK. Thanks I can see now. What happens now it's that sometimes I have this Icon to strem video or photos but sometimes it disapear!!! I keep restarting service in VU and nothing. It seem it keeps drping or disconnect. It happens both with Ipad and Iphone.
Any sugestion?