Announcements Black Hole 3.0.2.C Online Update

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There is a new online update available to update to 3.0.2.C

This is available as an online update from 3.0.2.B, 3.0.2A or 3.0.2

Full flash update files are also available.

Changes from 3.0.2.B

Support customized subtitles.
- font color, size, opacity, edge style,
- background color, opacity,
- subtitle position, align, etc.
- add quick menu for subtitle
Add OpenMultiboot to Solo4K
*** please note that there is a compatibility issue with openBH 0.4, if you wish to use both BH and OBH, for the moment, you must run openBH 0.4 in Flash and BH 3.0.2.C in OpenMultiboot ***
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