Black Hole 3.0.5.F Vu+ Zero4K


As treated many, many times, follow the advices you can find in this forum. For instance, try different flash drives. But a brief search will get you to all the advices needed in these cases.


Have you followed the basic guide, for loading a new image?
First format your USB stick to FAT 32, on your PC.

Download the correct image, for your receiver, each receiver has a different named image, if you have the VU+ Zero 4K then you can load either the latest Black Hole 3.0.5 I:

Or Open Black Hole:

Once downloaded unzip the file, using 7-zip, WinRAR, winzip, etc.. then load the vuplus folder onto your USB stick.

Next turn off your receiver, at the rear, insert your USB stick, then turn on your receiver and let it flash your new image.