Can channel number in each different user bouquet lists start from 1?


Vu+ Newbie
Just purchased a Vu+ Solo 2 receiver and installed Black Hole Solo 2 v2.0.9 firmware.

On the Solo 2, Menu -> System -> Customise -> Multiple Bouquets has been set to "yes".

On the PC, in dreamboxEDIT v5.3.1.6, Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Allow duplicate entries in (user) bouquets has been set to "yes".

I have done a Service Searching single satellite scan on the SOLO 2 for 28,2 East and with dreamboxEDIT downloaded the data files to a directory SOLO2.

By default there is "Favourites (TV)" under TV User Bouquets and "Favourites (Radio)" under Radio User Bouquets.

I have added the most preferred stations to Favourites (TV) which are assigned channel numbers 1 onwards.

I have then created another bouquet under TV User Bouquets called "TV - 28,2 East" and started adding stations to this list. The numbers assigned to these stations then start not at 1 as wanted but from the next number after the last channel number in the "Favourites" list above.

Is is somehow possible (and it would appear from the web searches I have done but not found a clear answer that it is not) to get the channel number for each User Bouquet to start from 1 or do the numbers within each User Bouquet have to be globally unique so that even though in different bouquets eg BBC One HD in "TV - 28,2 East" has to be a different number to "BBC One HD" in Favourites (TV), and that Das Erste HD in "TV - 19,2 East" (when created) cannot also be numbered as 1 but will be some obscure number such as 333?

If it is possible, how does start numbering from 1 using dreamboxEDIT for each newly created user bouquet under TV User Bouquet and/or Radio User Bouquet?