Can't change password :-(


Vu+ Newbie
Hello everyone,

Please help me. I tried to change password on my Solo box. Right now it is in its default state, with user root without any password. When I telnet to the box with PuTTy or VuCC and use passwd command, no matter what I type, it doesn't change password. When I change passwords, I re-open programs and they don't act like I just changed the password.

So what am I doing wrong here? Tried almost everything without success. :-(


Telnet 2.jpg

Telnet 3.jpg


>>English Admin<<
When you log in with root you should have this

At this point type passwd, do not type any other command such the cd in your first post.


Vu+ Newbie
When you log in with root you should have this

At this point type passwd, do not type any other command such the cd in your first post.
I don't type "cd" command. VuCC does it self, on it's own. As I said, no matter which app I use (VuCC or PuTTy), after I type root as a username it, doesn't ask for password as it should. Then I execute "passwd" command, log off, restart box, restart pc, start app and then again, I only type root as a username. It doesn't ask for password.

It is Vu+ Solo box with Black Hole 3.0.1.F image.


Vu+ Newbie
That looks fine, has it worked ?
No. It hasn't. As I wrote, I changed password to "test" 1st time, 2nd time to "Test1234", and none of them worked. Both times could I after password change login with root user without being asked for a password.