Crossepg - editing provider files to improve download speed


Vu+ Newbie
Recently I've tried to make some changes to crossepg configuration in order to speed up the download and processing. I have a motorised dish and so need epg data for more than one provider. Crossepg was taking something like 1.5 hours to run and often hanging/crashing partway through.

A typical config file looks something like this:

According to an entry on another forum there are two problems with this config, (1) rytec.channels.xml contains all the cable channels as well as satellite ones also (2) all 5 urls will be downloaded even though they are mirrors of one another. The solution is to change rytec.channels.xml.gz into rytec.channels.xml-sat.gz to download only satellite channels and to remove all but one of the urls. You end up with something like this:

description=Rytec France XMLTV

You can pick other mirrors and also mix and match the mirror you use for each provider to spread the load. If a mirror disappears in the future you can change the urls then.

Files are in /usr/crossepg/providers

I edited the files on my windows pc and had to use dos2unix via telnet to correct the encoding, otherwise I would receive "invalid provider" errors. It would appear that Crossepg is extremely fussy regarding the format of the text files.

After making these changes 90 minute download has been shortened to about 10 mins.