EPG setting help Needed


Vu+ User
I have some problems in EPG settings, Would anyone help with the setting please?

1. My Duo2 runs BH 2.0.8 with default EPG panel and Default CrossEPG and CrossEPG downloader plugin.
2. The issues are:

A. When I use the EPG panel (default from BH2.0.8), select downlown, it finds seveal thoughts of titles and summeries, but it shows ' please waiting for complete' for more than 10 minuts, never completes by itself, I have to use the RED button to terminated the data download. But I find, the download has been done acturelly.

B. If I used the crossepg downloader plugin to download. The plugin shows coverting bar and completed in a few sconds. However, it does not download anything, but just parising some of EPGdata which has been in the box.

It is very likely the settings are incorretly. Any suggestions please. I only need E28.2-28.5 satellites' EPGdata.

Thanks in advance