Getting prob. after use nfs as HDD replacement solo2


Vu+ Newbie
Hello dear comunity,
I am getting a problem on a new solo2 with installed Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 1.7.9-3.
All seems work perfect, I set nfs share from DM8000 and set to "use as hdd replacement"
All seem to work OK, but now i need to instal HDD inside, so i did it, but after delete and disable hdd replacement nfs share always is mounted to folder /media/hdd !! so default path to internal hdd is not posible. Always i maped internal hdd into /media/hdd never work and say not maped..
So i did poor solution i maped internal HDD to /media/usb/ and its WORKING
Please help me find configuration file where is setup to delete old path to somewhere without reinstall.
Many thanks.
have you tried to unmount your share then reboot then mount new hdd to media/hdd and mount your share as media/share after that?