ipkg remove


Vu+ Newbie
volevo disinstallare dei plugin che non mi interessano x alleggerire l'immagine (BH1.7.6)
con qualcuno mi da questo errore, cosa posso fare?

root@bm750:~# ipkg remove enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-zappingmodeselection - eperimental-git20110922-r37
Collected errors:
* Package enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-zappingmodeselection is depended upon by packages:
* task-vuplus-enigma2
* These might cease to work if package enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-zappingmode selection is removed.
* You can force removal of this package with --force-depends
* You can force removal of this package and its dependents

grazie ciao