NFS-server problem


Vu+ Newbie
I am trying to share my internal hdd to my other box with NFS. Other images I have run had etc/exports but cant find it in BH. I have activated NFS in the menu but when i try to access it from the other box it dosnt work... Is there something i missing?


BlackHole Driver Specialist
I am trying to share my internal hdd to my other box with NFS. Other images I have run had etc/exports but cant find it in BH. I have activated NFS in the menu but when i try to access it from the other box it dosnt work... Is there something i missing?

When the NFS server is enabled, the hdd will be automatically shared across NFS protocol


Vu+ Newbie
When i type mount -t nfs // /media/hdd i only get: Mounting nfs on / failed: No such file or directory, on my other box


Vu+ Newbie
Hi. I also have problems with sharing my hdd with nfs. My box is solo2 with the latest Black Hole ver 2.0.9.

NFS-server is enabled in the Black Hole Settings. A exports file which is used and working in my dm7025 is placed in folder /etc in the solo2 box.
/media/hdd    *(ro,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)

I am unable to connect to the shared hdd from an itgate enigma1 box and from a dm7025 box.

If I try to list shared nfs folders on the solo2 box with the command
showmount -e
from an linux machine nothing is listed. If I try the same command on my dm7025 box the hdd share is displayed.

If I manually run the script from bash on my solo2 box I can se on the screen that exports file is read by the script.

Is there some kind of firewall in the image which is blocking the nfs-server? Or is there something else which is wrong? Can someone tell me how to share my hdd in Black Hole with nfs.


Vu+ Newbie

I have similar issue, can't mount NFS share. I press:
Blue / blue / Network Browse & Mountpoints / LAN connections... There I see my server and shared NFS disk. Then I press OK
There I see Mounts editor:
Active - enable
Local share name - ServerName
Mount type - NFS share
Server IP -
Server share - /Disk
use as HDD replacement - yes
Mount options rw,nolock,tcp

Then I press OK. Tuner starts to mout. Then I get:
"Your network mount has been updated. "

But nothing changes, no mount appears. If I mount it on PC that NFS share wokrs very well. On Black hole - does not work. No idea what happened. When I installed fresh image 2.0.8 - it worked before.


Vu+ Newbie
When i type mount -t nfs // /media/hdd i only get: Mounting nfs on / failed: No such file or directory, on my other box
I too am experiencing an NFS share issu under Blackhole for my VuDuo.

I am trying to export an externally connected eSATA HDD as an NFS share for my VuDuo running Blackhole 3.9.6 (May 2015).

I have locally mounted this as /media/exthdd while my internal HDD is mounted as /media/hdd

I cannot find the /etc/exports file which would need to be edited to allow this to happen.
I have tried to create it by using the touch /etc/exports command but this has not helped.

NFS server is enabled of course and even with this I cannot even conect to the </media/hdd> NFS share which is supposed to work "out of the box".
I see that ViX images have kept the /etc/exports file but the Blackhole team appears to have removed it from the build...? Any reasons ?

If someone has a work around to allow full NFS share flexibility (ext hdd share /int hdd share security within LAN etc...) please let me know.


Vu+ Newbie
I can't share my hdd from Solo4k running black hole over nfs protocol, I try to mount in other enigma2 boxes but it doesn't actually mount, (it sows mounted if I choose autos but I can't actually access it) I installed VTi on my solo4k and then hdd mounted fine...


Vu+ User
NFS-server is enabled in the Black Hole Settings but HDD (mounted as /media/hdd) isn't shared across NFS protocol :(
Where can I find /etc/exports file?


Vu+ User
I resolved it :D
You must create /etc/exports file (with 644 permission) and write:
In this case I share /media/hdd for all device with ip from to
Then you must restart nfs server:
root@vuzero:~# /etc/init.d/nfsserver stop
stopping mountd: done
stopping nfsd: done
root@vuzero:~# /etc/init.d/nfsserver start
starting 8 nfsd kernel threads: done
starting mountd: done
This code shows all partitions shared on nfs protocol ( is the ip of my stb):
root@vuzero:~# showmount -e
Export list for