Rfc, CrossEPG different way of parsing and loading EPG


Vu+ Newbie
This is a request for change for the way crossepg works and the way any image (including BH) loads EPG data.

Crossepg: (prevent crashes from too much epg data)
1. option to stop parsing after X days (ea. no more then 5 days)
2. option to stop parsing after X size of EPG datapool (ea. no more then 10.000 events)
3. when EPG data is reloaded clear the used space
4. a tool to modify a existing epg.dat file to reflect 1 and 2 manually
5. a tool to merge several epg.dat files onto one (the box is too slow)

EPG data: (get all EPG data loaded outside flash or active ram)
1. option to map a USB stick as RAM to allow EPG data to remain in such ram
(ea. use 5mb flash and map in/out with a block from the extra usbstick space)