Vu+ Duo 3


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, is there any news on when the Duo will next be updated, the original Duo seemed to be out for about two years before being updated and the 2 has been out for a while now?

Don Andres

BH Lover
New Solo 3 ? Have you got any concrete info or it is just "wish list " ?
Actually Vu+ should think seriously for upgrading their model line with new models which at least match the DM 7080 and DM 820 models from DMM ...


Vu+ Newbie
hello i am owner vuduo2.and dm7020hd,the new dm models dont have any seriously duo2 is better!the image make the different.from the other side new model sall be the receiver with UK resoloution


First vuplus should provide support to dou2 problems before launching new model

As a satellite dealer surely you have greater contact, with VU+, than any of us, and a list of clients, with complaints.
Have you contacted your supplier, of VU+ receivers, and requested that they contact their supplier, or the manufacturer, to get answers as to why the VU+ receivers, you've tested, don't work on the high Symbol Rates, on 88E?
If you can contact other retailers, in the Asian market, with similar problems, you could form a group, and threaten legal action, for false advertising, and selling products unfit for their purpose, providing you have evidence that these are genuine VU+ receivers, and are incapable of scanning in these channels.