VU+ duo2 Image


Vu+ Newbie
Could someone advise on what they think would be the best image to load onto my vu+duo2 box I have recently purchased as I am very new at doing this also the best way to install it the box is genuine many thanx in advance



Open Blackhole is the best for kodi, as it runs v17.3, and does everything you should need.
If you don't plan to use kodi then you can use Blackhole, but that's still running kodi v16.1.

Loading the image is easy, but it will wipe out all your current settings, so you might want to save your channel list, if you have one, using dreamboxedit.

To load the image format a usb stick to FAT 32, using your PC, download the image, uncompress it, and place the vuplus folder onto your usb stick.
Switch off your receiver, at the rear, using the rocker switch,
Insert the USB stick into the front USB port, behind the pull down panel, on the right.
Switch on the receiver, at the rear, hold in the power button, front right, near the front USB port, until the receiver tells you it's reading the USB.
Wait until the receiver has finished loading, and re-booting, then remove the USB stick and follow the onscreen guides, for setting it up.