Vu+ Duo2 Remote Control buttons problem.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello guys, did someone tried to open/disassembly the RC ? The buttons i use most became very hard to press, and i'm pretty shure a simple contats clean up will solve the problem, but after removing a single visible screw, i failed to open it. I tried to isert a screwdriver between a parts, but nothing happened, and i stopped becouse affraid of breakin it. Any advice will be appreciated.


Vu+ User
I have exactly the same problem. My receiver is still on warranty. May I claim warranty repair or replace? Anyone tried that before?


Vu+ Newbie
ho avuto lo stesso problema con i tasti dx/sx
una volta rimossa la vite dietro le batterie forzate leggermente con un coltellino o giravite partendo da dietro
all' interno vi e' una pellicola adesiva trasparente che ricopre le cupolette metalliche
dovete tagliare la pellicola attorno il tasto che non funziona e sollevarla molto delicatamente fate attenzione a non rovinare i contatti metallici che rimarranno attaccati alla pellicola sono molto delicati pulite il circuito dei tasti con alcol e riposizionate la pellicola adesiva esattamente sopra i punti di contatto.
questa operazione e' un po' difficoltosa ma si puo' fare io l'ho fatto diverse volte
perche' il telecomando non e' purtroppo dei migliori

I had the same problem with the buttons right / left
up /down
when you remove the screw behind the batteries forced lightly with a boxcutter or screwdriver from the back
all 'inside there have a transparent adhesive film covering the metal domes
you have to cut the film around the button that does not work and lift very gently careful not to damage the metal contacts that will remain attached to the film are very delicate clean the circuit of keys with alcohol and replace the adhesive film directly over the contact points.

this and 'a little' difficult, but you can 'do I did it several times
'cause the remote control is not' unfortunately the best

sorry for the translation google


Vu+ Newbie
Same for me. I have also problem with the buttons. Special for the up/down/left/right buttons. I order an new one, but it gave up also after one month. Even if I can clean it up and get it to work. I think it will give up again soon. Have someone try to bye another (non Vu+ Duo2) remote that work better ?


Vu+ User
same problem for me useless remote , got a new one by my warranty. tihis is also useless so i wrote to vuplus and complain about it want them do give us all vuduo2 new better for free just like carmakers fix their issues . no answer as alwasbut perfect box and useless service from vu+


Vu+ Newbie
same problem too with right and left .it's giving me hard time to zap(have to it with channel numbers.very annoying)
hope the 4k hasn't the same RC

Thanks sorcino for the tip . i ll give it try before spending 30 euros


Vu+ Newbie
Sad to read problems with RC! The same problem here... I have had dozens and dozens deivices with RC but the Vu+Duo2 one is the worst I have ever seen!
Does anybody know is there any new and human RC coming soon? The Duo2 itself is quite normal receiver.


You can use the Vu+ Universal remote (the type supplied with Solo2, Solo4K, Zero, SoloSE etc etc) with the Duo2 without problems.

It is a much nicer remote control than the Duo2 version.

Finbarr Brady

Vu+ Newbie
You can use the Vu+ Universal remote (the type supplied with Solo2, Solo4K, Zero, SoloSE etc etc) with the Duo2 without problems.

It is a much nicer remote control than the Duo2 version.
Can you post a link to that remote please?