VU+ Solo2 - SNR: N/A and AGC: 82%


Vu+ Newbie
Tried to update to BH 2.1.4 but I still have SNR: N/A on Thor 0,8W. Strange thing occurs that clock is not updated and is set to 01.01.1970 despite the fact that VU+ Solo2 is connected to internet.

I am not sure if it is SW or HW problem so I checked cable and changed LNB but without success. VU+ satfinder application for Tuner A (input LNB1) or Tuner B (input LNB2) detects AGC: 82% and SNR 0% or sometimes displays random pulses 0-50%.

I am sure that cable and LNB is OK because also I checked signal on another receiver and signal SNR was stable without any problems and I was able to watch all channels.

I dont know how to test tuners A and B whether they are functional.


Vu+ Newbie
I am having the same issue. I tried a reinstallation, but this didn't solve the problem. I was using BH 2.1.4 for almost three weeks without a problem, it started this week.
@roggan79, which OS are you using now?


Vu+ Newbie
Hello waratoyo
Si tu veus tester tes deux TUNER A et B
TU te mets sur ITéle ( chaine gratuite) tu enregistre puis tu regarde une autre chaine gratuite par exemple le soir canal+ en clair.
Tu verras si tes deux TUNERS fonctionne.
Normalement ton enregistrement doit être réussi.


Vu+ Newbie