Duo2 LCD4Linux lcd display layouts


Vu+ Newbie
I understand your point Ekkostar, but I just copy paste the same config after reflashing and it was working nicely. Sorry but as you said, this is really simple and straight forward : you push menu, load config and it has to work. That was definitely not the case on the previous image.

So my 'manipulation' are not the issue, it was to look for a solution, nothing else, nothing more...


Vu+ Newbie
That was definitely not the case on the previous image.

So my 'manipulation' are not the issue, it was to look for a solution, nothing else, nothing more...

No, not correct. It was the same on 2.0.4 and perhaps it simply worked for you then. In the end if you've got it working on 2.0.5 that's all that matters to you.

The information however is useful for others as it saves them having to re-flash like you had to.


Vu+ Newbie
ekkostar, please excuse me, but you are really stubborn :) . I don't know if we missed something in our exchange of infos but, what you proposed (push menu button and reload config file) did NOT work on my first 2.0.5 image. I tried to understand why, without success (trying to clear the cache, rebooted, change permission of the config file). When I reflashed, I DID push on the menu button and then it started to work. How do you explain that, on the same image, I have 2 different results??

I agree with you, in NORMAL CONDITION, just pushing the menu button and load the config bring the LCD to life! But why I had ABNORMAL CONDITION, I don't know ?????!!!! ????? May be another plugin I installed created instability. But really, I did not do a lot of changes on my first flash, just the basic things : installed my cam, installed a plugin for media (media center), configured the network and played with the weather plugin. THAT'S ALL!

Finally, I would be really glad to find a solution, especially anything else than reflashing. So please let us discuss about that, it seems to be a really annoying problem, and so far, I was not the only one...


Vu+ Newbie
I know this is not the solution you are looking for but I spent a lot of time trying to understand what was the problem, without finding any clue... I rebooted, deleted cache files / tmp files, reinstalled the plugin, checked the logs, ... I didn't understand what was going wrong (but I'm far to be an expert for this kind of stuff).

If you find a solution without reflashing, I'm really interested to know it.

Unless you can tell us what you did, it can only be assumed from your own post that's exactly where the issue was. Not sure the point of posting any further?

A solution has been posted and you got yours working by eventually re-flashing.


Vu+ Newbie
LCD4Linux works fine with my new Duo2 and BlackHole 2.0.5B but I wonder why I cannot configure it via WebIf ?
Is there someone who can do it via httt://IP_OF_YOUR_BOX/lcd4linux ?

For your information, I have similar issue with FanControl2 addon : it works fine but I cannot configure it via httt://IP_OF_YOUR_BOX/fancontrol

Maybe there is a option to be able to access to addons' configuration via Web Interface ???

There is a link where someone managed to do it with a DreamBox :


Vu+ Newbie
LCD4Linux works fine with my new Duo2 and BlackHole 2.0.5B but I wonder why I cannot configure it via WebIf ?
Is there someone who can do it via httt://IP_OF_YOUR_BOX/lcd4linux ?"

yes it works, when you: http://IP_OF_YOUR_BOX/lcd4linux then you see your lcd, and then you click on the picon wich you see on the lcd.

then you see a window with all your settings..

sorry for my bad english....


Vu+ Newbie
File for Config 2 was not the right version, second attempt...


  • lcd4config.zip
    2 KB · Views: 581

Don Andres

BH Lover
I thought as setting up the LCD display on the Duo2 is much easier than it was for the Ultimo, that members could post up there layouts for others to use.

The best ones will be added to the BH addon server (if you would rather they are not added to the server, then just make it clear in your post and we won't add it).

Please post a screenshot to show how it looks.

The file you need to upload can be found in /etc/enigma2

Here is mine to kick things off with:

View attachment 12568

To get the background to work, just add the included folder to /media/usb

have overwritten the lcd4config in /etc/enigma ,
but where I should place the " Backgroung" map ?

Don Andres

BH Lover

Thx M8,
Up and running , I'm using my picons in /media/usb... for LCD projection
But I'm surely missing something. While zapping to another channel my LCD display is still keeping the previous channel info ( logo) and the time is not changing .
Only reboot helps to get correct channel info ( picon and time )


Thx M8,
Up and running , I'm using my picons in /media/usb... for LCD projection
But I'm surely missing something. While zapping to another channel my LCD display is still keeping the previous channel info ( logo) and the time is not changing .
Only reboot helps to get correct channel info ( picon and time )

No idea on that tbh, not had that problem myself.

Maybe try changing the "Picon Cache Path" and point it to the picon directory, it should then clear any info in memory and then work again hopefully.


My personal settings :)

Copy the attached file in /tmp and install it by Addons Panel > Manual install BH Packages
I suggest you to backup your lcd4config file before to install the package.

Display Mode On
01 on.png

02 on.png

Display Mode Media Player
04 media.png

Display Mode Idle
03 idle.png


  • lcd4linux_by_Mito.tgz
    17.6 KB · Views: 787


Vu+ Newbie
hi, I want help please someone help me about lcd picon, I like black hole image my receiver duo2, plz give some idea

Nice Monkey

Vu+ User
Could anybody confirm (or upload a picture) how filebrowsing works when using mediaplayer.
I would like to be able to select and play MP3 music-folders without turning on my TV.
Would be an important factor trading in my Uno for a Duo2.


Could anybody confirm (or upload a picture) how filebrowsing works when using mediaplayer.
I would like to be able to select and play MP3 music-folders without turning on my TV.
Would be an important factor trading in my Uno for a Duo2.
Why do you post this question in this thread about lcd4linux.
You should open new thread about this argument.

Nice Monkey

Vu+ User
Why do you post this question in this thread about lcd4linux.
You should open new thread about this argument.
Sorry if not put clear enough. I like to know what the on the box color display using lcd4linux is able to display when using the filebrowser of mediaplayer. It is pure about this display not about mediaplayer. I know how media player works on an Uno perfectly.
I still feel this is the right section to ask specific questions about LCD display capabilities on Duo2.