AutoRecorder plugin for automated recordings by Tero


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AutoRecorder pluginfor automated recordings by Tero

Original by Tero_
This is a plugin performs background searching from EPG data, and generates new recordings (timers) according to search rules.

You can have several (named) profiles, which each can hold several searches. One search is a collection or rules (search criteria) or commands which are run against EPG data. You can manage all editing through GUI (or if you prefer textual editing, then it is possible to export the internal rules presentation to text, which may be edited and then imported back - this is quite manual process).

you can find help by pressing Help key from your remote controller. However, the plugin is also quite extensive (implemented during last couple of years - first version was done in October 2007).

Installation is just normal:
ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-autorecorder_0.58-20101012-r0_mipsel.ipk

Here are the additions since v0.56:

v0.58 / 12.10.2010 / Tero
Bug fixes:
- Text typing help windows got stuck on screen (some Enigma2 update broke this). Extra parameters stored to ConfigList entries interfered with ConfigElement callback mechanism.
New features:
- Plugin config: Added possibility to add the Plugin into Plugins list (in addition to Extensions menu)
- Remember the last edited search profile, and load it into profile editor automatically.
- Channel name matching is now to a complete string (no partial match) if parameter contains no regexps.
- Disabling the setting "Use regexp in searches" adds possibility in "title" and "desc" searches to use "+word -otherword" syntax same way as "search" searches have been using.
- Plugin config: Added possibility to define a global encoding type for EPG data. Exceptions (per search) can be specified in new search profile parameter "encoding".

v0.59 / 16.10.2010 / Tero
Bug fixes:
- Crash fix if manual search was started with selecton "All profiles".
- Crash fix if timed search was restricted to a time window.
New features:
- In manual search, don't ask for selecting a profile, if there is just one.

Thanks are due to elgeneral


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-autorecorder_0.59-20101017-r0_mipsel.ipk
    66.7 KB · Views: 47