duo2 tuner problem


Vu+ Newbie
I have a DUO2 3 turners one double and the source (single)
ha two days began not record anything ,
then to record but not could see the channel that was recording .
today failed to give stayed with 0 % signal
I called the soloSE the cables one by one and gave in all ( the cables are properly )
I started by connecting a tuner so ( A)
nothing I called B along well
I called the C nothing
I changed position of the tuners and not to any only of the tuner that is connected to the left and only the low that is the position B someone with this problem?
will be the end of the 2 duo ?
cumpz ...

sorry for the English
translated by Google


Vu+ Newbie
I have a DUO2 3 turners one double and the source (single)
ha two days began not record anything ,
then to record but not could see the channel that was recording .
today failed to give stayed with 0 % signal
I called the soloSE the cables one by one and gave in all ( the cables are properly )
I started by connecting a tuner so ( A)
nothing I called B along well
I called the C nothing
I changed position of the tuners and not to any only of the tuner that is connected to the left and only the low that is the position B someone with this problem?
will be the end of the 2 duo ?
cumpz ...

sorry for the English
translated by Google


I have a similar Problem (That VU+ Shows Signal 0%) ony help when this happens is to SWITCH off the from The powerswitch wait a few seconds and turn it on again.

No Shutdonwn, Switche Power OFF/On.



Vu+ User
Its a problem i have to but cant install VTI image with channel list and vix cant install what i need so im going back to SLY