Skin Control modifications


Vu+ Newbie
I use blackhole 1.6.5 and the Vali.hd nano skin but I suspect my questions are not skin specific. Overall I find the navigation of the EPG really lets down what is otherwise a really good product. There seems to be too many steps and use of colour buttons (zap via red button etc) that are just not intuitive.
My main navigation issues are
1)use of the EPG button which I would like to have take me to the multiepg bouquet choice in one button press. If I use Multi Quickbutton and map a button like 'Yellow' to Infobar Multi EPG the yellow button does what I expect and I am taken to my bouquet choice but when I try to map key 'EPG' in the same way I am still presented with an interim screen where I have to use the blue button to take me to the Multi EPG menu.
Screenshot - screenshot_epg_press
2) Once in the MutiEPG menu I would like to use 'OK' button as Zap button (red)
3) How can I use the zap button as a zap and exit button
Thanks for your guidance