Solo2 Smart card reader- Not working?


Vu+ Newbie

I need help with my smart card reader does seem to been reading my smart card from my Satellite provider. I plug in my smart card to the satellite provider box it is working. On VU+ solo2 does seem to have any detection on the smart card inserted.

Before the VU+ solo2 wasn't finding the scramble channels on the STB only until I upgraded to black Hole.

Sorry if has been repeated

Many Thank in advance.
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BlackHole Driver Specialist

I need help with my smart card reader does seem to been reading my smart card from my Satellite provider. I plug in my smart card to the satellite provider box it is working. On VU+ solo2 does seem to have any detection on the smart card inserted.

Before the VU+ solo2 wasn't finding the scramble channels on the STB only until I upgraded to black Hole.

Sorry if has been repeated

Many Thank in advance.
What provider are you using?


Vu+ Newbie
I have VU+ Solo4K , Dou2 , Solo2 , and the Last OBH for all boxes , but hothing to work conax CI and Card from TRING TV , .. what to du..