Vu Duo4K BH3.1 (flash) and Openmultiboot with OBH5.0 and OBH 4.4


Vu+ Newbie
Ima li rješenja za ovaj problem (Vu Duo4K).

Imam isti problem, BH3.1 (flash), a na OMB se nalazi OBH 5.0 i OBH 4.4.
Dešava se kada se pokrene bilo koji Image na OMB, VU+ (kernel) ne prepoznaje WLAN karticu, niti na OMB niti u flash image (BH).
Kad se resetira BH sa izvađenim OMB-USB ili se izvrši Hard Reset, vrate se ispravne postavke WLAN kartice, no u OMB nikako ne mogu koristiti WLAN, neovisno o Image

Postoji li mogućnost da je kernel na BH3.1 neispravan ?

*********** Google English translation*****************

Is there a solution to this problem (Vu Duo4K).

I have the same problem, BH3.1 (flash), and on OMB there is OBH 5.0 and OBH 4.4.
Occurs when any Image is run on OMB, the VU + (kernel) does not recognize the WLAN card, neither on OMB nor in flash image (BH).
When BH is reset with OMB-USB removed or Hard Reset is performed, the correct WLAN card settings are restored, but OMB cannot use WLAN in any way, regardless of Image

Is there a possibility that the kernel on BH3.1 is faulty?

