A question to the black hole team


Vu+ Newbie
Hi. Just asking are you developing the Dvd Burn plugin so it will actually work under 1.7.9. It is obvious from post on this forum and my own efforts it doesn't.
help is much appreciated and I feel if i can get this to work I have the perfect ultimo setup for my needs.
Regards bouncerdove


BlackHole Driver Specialist
Hi. Just asking are you developing the Dvd Burn plugin so it will actually work under 1.7.9. It is obvious from post on this forum and my own efforts it doesn't.
help is much appreciated and I feel if i can get this to work I have the perfect ultimo setup for my needs.
Regards bouncerdove

We haven't devloped DVDBurn plugin ... it's developed by some people on the net.
The plugin (if taken from Software Manager) cannot be guarantee to be working properly.
In the future can be a different story... for now we can only try to investigate ....


Vu+ Newbie
Hi. thanks for your reply. Really hope you have success in developing it because it would be be one of the most useful plugins to me.
Regards bouncerdove.