
Backupsuite 9.2
Here is the latest version, now it is version 9.2
Big thanks to Biki3 for the research and development!
The supported languages are now: English (default), Dutch, French, German, Polish, Russian and Spanish

Changed in version 9.2 compared with version 9.1:
- When making a back-up the total size and free size of the back-up medium is reported , so also when a back-up is made to USB and other media e.g. mmc1
- When making a back-up to HDD and if a valid USB-stick is detected then the total- and free size is also reported.
- Made some code adjustments and clustered the detection of the models 9x00 and 6500 these using the same instructions on how to restore, the same goes for the models 5x00 and 6000.
- Some minor code changes

But the biggest change is that the code for the old-bootloaders is dropped so these are no longer supported, I can't imagine these are still in use.
In case there is an old bootloader detected this will be reported and it will be advised to use an older backupsuite prior to V 9.2​


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite_9.2_mipsel.ipk
    49.5 KB · Views: 111
Backupsuite 9.4

Changed in version 9.4 compared with version 9.3

Minor changes in the handling of the (error-)messages, stripped some newlines in some massages

Due to some well deserved holiday from Littlesat from Openpli, it will take some time before this version is online available in the Openpli feeds, so if you want to upgrade you'll have to download this version and install it or wait until Littlesat returns!


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite_9.4_mipsel.ipk
    48.9 KB · Views: 85


Vu+ Newbie


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite_11.0_mips32el.rar
    27.4 KB · Views: 46
  • mtd-utils_1.4.9-r3_mips32el.rar
    331.4 KB · Views: 32