Black Hole 3.0.3.A Kodi Vu+ Ultimo4K


BH Lover
EvO can we adjust the colours within that skin like the colour of the progressbar, because everything is white .
And if we can adjust where can we find it?


EvO can we adjust the colours within that skin like the colour of the progressbar, because everything is white .
And if we can adjust where can we find it?
You can edit the skin however you want for your own personal use, the terms of the licence in the skin.xml prevent you from posting it anywhere though.

Sorry I can not tell you how to change the colours or where to find it, as I do not know i'm afraid.


i found it, its in skin_ user .xml can i adjust white in green without a green screen crash?
Sorry I thought you meant in the osd skin.

Sorry yes the front panel skin in the skin_user.xml (found in /etc/enigma2) and you can modify it how you like, and of course post your changes for others.

Replacing "white" with "green" should work, however I do not know what shade of green you would get.


cant get it to change, dont know where i must change the colour of te progressbar?
try this line:

    <widget source="session.Event_Now" render="Progress" position="40,350" size="720,25" foregroundColor="white" borderWidth="2" zPosition="2">
       <convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>


ok thnx, i hear from you wenn you have time.

Like this in skin_user.xml
progress bar in blue.

<windowstyle type="skinned" id="1">
<color name="Background" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="LabelForeground" color="blue" />
<color name="ListboxBackground" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="ListboxForeground" color="white" />
<color name="ListboxSelectedBackground" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="ListboxSelectedForeground" color="white" />
<color name="ListboxMarkedBackground" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="ListboxMarkedForeground" color="white" />
<color name="ListboxMarkedAndSelectedBackground" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="ListboxMarkedAndSelectedForeground" color="white" />
<color name="WindowTitleBackground" color="LCDBackground" />
<color name="WindowTitleForeground" color="white" />

Now you'll have all blue because they are not defined colors in the rest of the coding.

To change this you must add color definition as in this examples.

<screen name="LCDClockTemplete">
<ePixmap pixmap="lcd_icons/icon_time.png" position="580,29" size="36,36" alphatest="blend" />
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="635,25" size="220,44" font="Regular;52" halign="left" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="LCDBackground">
<convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H:%M</convert>


So in each line where you have font you have to add


here white but you can use other colors
blue, red, green, yellow, etc.

or hexcode-defined colors"
example #22ff22

so foregroundColor="#22bb22"


BH Lover
Thanx my old friend , so i must change
<color name="LabelForeground" color="blue" />
And the line that Evo sent?


Thanx my old friend , so i must change
<color name="LabelForeground" color="blue" />
And the line that Evo sent?

Not only line <color name="LabelForeground" color="blue" />
but everything will be blue
if you want more change you have to edit further, as I wrote


i,m not an expert like you, so i try.

You make a backup and try.

Note we will soon make an update
for skin_user.xml ultimo 4K, so you'll have to edit again.
Specifically in this file is slipped a small bug that has an impact on the main skin font size and positions.
Only in utimo 4K.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, I have a problem with this image, I do not use the tuner DTT sony play TV, I do not recognize it.
Do you have any solutions to this problem?
thank you very much