Black Hole Vu+ Solo 2.0.3 Hyperspace


Vu+ Newbie
Thanks a million
you guys are great
I use a genuine VU+ Ralink wifi dongle and finally it's working perfectly as before
this version of bh gives by far the smoothest experience ive seen with my solo

Solo2 is just released here and I can't wait to see my new solo2 flying with bh


Vu+ Newbie
i tried to move the dish by GOTO REFERENCE option in POSITIONER SETUP but it did'nt do anything does anybody had the same problem ?


Vu+ Newbie
Thanks Team BH

Just, is there some improvements for solo, because all new things ar for solo2, not ?
I am curious about this too, my current setup is very good and reliable, so i dont want to tinker with it , unles it has some real advantage.
My universe is on a USB stick,so my flash is far from full,and i allready use bh startup, so i am not sure if it is is really worth it for us solo1 users?


Vu+ Newbie
Unfortunately, not stable image. Many crashes. Eg. when stard mediatomb server. Without run additional daemons work correctly. Vu+ solo


Vu+ Newbie
Make a SWAP on USB. A lot of crashes on SOLO are caused by low RAM. And full flash too.
I don't think so, the last version befor this one worked perfectly on my Solo but this one is to slow even i have 256 Mo Swap on USB and universe like Avalon is hardly slower. I encoured several problems reading movies in Enhanced Movie Center (hard to start, don't delete movies, don't move movies and don't save config....).
After several days, i think this version is not appropriate for Solo


Vu+ Newbie
I have been using 2.0.3 for a week now, i havent found any noticeable changes for solo1. I do have a 128MB swap on usb and universe on same usb pen. Runs smooth as 2.0.2. Still not sure if it was "worth" the time to upgrade, but i sleep best at night when my technical gear is updated :)
I gave up on personal and system backups long ago, they only worked in 25% of cases when you switched to a different version,instead i made a checklist of things to set up and do once a new image is installed, takes 15 minutes now (including a few restarts).