Building custom kernel for solo 3.1.1


Vu+ Newbie
I would like to change kernel's config to add drivers for webcam, so as far as I understand I need to build file kernel_cfe_auto.bin, restart vu with this file on usb stick, and probably new ipk for kernel modules (but this is not a priority because I can copy new modules manually).
So I have used bitbake -f linux-vusolo-3.1.1 to build it.
After build I've found in build/tmp/deploy/images files:
First - when I complare size of bin - my bitbake's vmlinux uncompressed version is 8MB, and downloaded from is about 3.5 MB. Why it differs so much?

Second - I would like to update solo without overwriting root filesystem. So would it be ok just to put kernel on usb stick and reboot? How can I be sure that new vmlinux booted will match to existing modules on root filesystem (image from 20120203)?

Did anyone already succeeded with building custom kernel for vu - or maybe there's some tutorial on network?