Copy command lacks of some option?


I prepared a script to make a backup copy of my HDD recordings to a NAS and it works.
The problem the cp command in (O)BH seems not to have all the options available in Linux. I know that VU+ images are not Linux themselves but I hoped to have particularly the options able to skip files already existing in the destination.
The (O)BH cp help reports:

-a Same as -dpR
-R,-r Recurse
-d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
-L Follow all symlinks
-H Follow symlinks on command line
-p Preserve file attributes if possible
-f Overwrite
-i Prompt before overwrite
-l,-s Create (sym)links

where, quite oddly, we have the -f option despite cp already overwrites the existing channels.
Is there a way to do that or are there other copy commands available?


As I posted just before the important announcements about BH307, I suppose this post got a bit lost among them ;)
So, I re-post it.