Copy Films from HDD to USB


Vu+ Newbie
Vu+Duo2 2TB Blackhole 2.1.7 TSMedia - Wifi router - Samsung 55" smart TV - Dell XPS 1702 1.5TB

Hi guys,

Not sure if this is in the correct Forum - perhaps some kind moderator will consider moving it - IF they consider it incorrect or not worth while!

OK - so I received my duo2 last week with Blackhole and TS media and 2TB pre installed. Used TSMedia to download a film about money/Bitcoin - (good too) and I wished to share it with a friend. Had a look on here and a few other sites which advised using telnet to copy from hdd to a USB key in the Rx - OK tried to look at Telnet and Dreamboxedit/Dreambox Control Centre - to be honest at this stage it's like trying to plat sawdust!!!

So - using my laptop and win10 (would work just as well I suspect in most OS) explorer - network - vu+duo2 - HDD - guess what there was my video file (mpg). OK - copy to MY CLOUD movies directory and can cut/copy whatever to a usb in my laptop! Job done without brain ache!

YES I am quite sure it can be done in the duo2 and once I get the brain cells around it it would be OK (would still have to get down on my knees and fiddle about plugging the usb stick into the box - my old knees would not forgive me easily!)

P.S. Looked at buying a dreambox dm8000 but they seem to be out of date/defunct anyway not easily available and several suppliers suggested the VU+Duo2 was the thing to buy! Most of the software that can be used with the VU+ revolves around Dreambox - Possible because the box uses Enigma2 (What an unfortunate association with our German colleagues!!!) (Come back Turing - all is forgiven)

Hope it's useful for some other old newbie!