Kodi 2.0 installation problem


Vu+ Newbie
Have tried to install the latest kodi direct on a vu duo running bh 2.1.7.

It seems to install ok and appears in plugins. When i open it I get the error message

"Please install python-image or python-imaging for your image or change config Thumbpic to "No"

I have installed both python ipk's, but still get the error message.

When opening the addon the thumbpics are not highlighted when I navigate through them and I am unable to access any config to change thumbpic to NO

Any help appreciated


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Strummer, I too had this issue but on bh2.0.8.1. I discovered I had to open XMBC and change the thumbpic to 'no' from that menu. then restarted Kodi and all was good....

hope this helps,
