Numbering of channels already included in bouquets


There is something BH does and OBH doesn't that could be useful and that, as far as I've tried, does not depends on the skin used. It seems to be general.
In BH, when a channel is added to a bouquet it is number and its number it's showed up also browsing directly the list (I mean, outside any bouquets).
This is useful to decide if we want to add it to some bouquets or not.
The number it's showed only in first infobar but it's something.
In OBH this doesn't happen.
I don't thing it's a setting I haven't found, yet: isn't it?
If so, this is a little suggestion for developers.


Yes, this I get always ON but it works only for channels already included in a bouquet. And that's the problem. If you get into the whole list of channels of a specific satellite or DVB-T or all and select them, in BH you see numbers for the channels already included in whatever bouquet and you don't see any number for the others. So you can know which ones you might include and which ones it's not needed to do.
In OBH you never see the numbers in this mode of browsing, neither for the first Infobar nor for the second.


I want to resume this old post hoping this feature might be added to OBH, too (in BH it is already present).

Summarising: channels are numbered if they are within a bouquet, and that's OK.
But, whilst in BH if you show all the channels (or all the channels for a specific satellite or DVB-T), so OUTSIDE every bouquets, if you start zapping you can see in the infobar a channel number only if that channel is already part of one of your bouquets, in OBH this does not happen.
So, if you are trying some new channels to add to your bouquets, this lack makes difficult to immediately know if you already included that one or not.

It would be comfortable to have this behaviour for OBH too, in future releases.