unable to ssh to fresh image


Vu+ Newbie

I use my vu+duo primarily as aNAS, however i had it offline for a while when immigrating to IReland form finland so forgot the root password I had set, "no problem" I thought, I'll just reimage it then ssh accross with root and blank password, nope, access denied. So I switched form open pli to blackhole, same issue.

The googling Iv'e done tells me to download the password changer, but that isn't listed as a plugin under the plugins or the extensions.

I'm running fedora core 22 and open blackhole 0.1
Please help, not having ftp access to my box is driving me demented
Kind Regards,


Vu+ Newbie
On a fresh image root user can access the box with a blank password via telnet and ftp. Ssh will not accept blank passwords...


Vu+ Newbie
ahh that explains it, should have been using telnet not ssh, it is sorted now, much gratitude :)
on the "you'd think after 16 odd years as an IT professional I could have worked that one out" ID