Request Upkeep & Maintaince of Vu+ systems


Vu+ User
Post here for your tips to keep your Vu+ box running longer & repair how too with hardware problems so we can all enjoy VU+ for many years to come


Vu+ User
I have seen on YouTube that you can add some hardware to the fan to keep the box cooler for longer, has anybody else done this and would they recommend it?

Here is my tip kinda obvisous & I say a lot users know this one but anyway,
Make sure that your picons and epg are on an external USB stick or hard dive if it is on an internal hard dive with writhing all the time when your changing channels it gets hot and eventually can burn out components on the motherboard!
Hope I got that right.
Please post your tips all welcome!


Vu+ User
I have for you is there an internal fuse that can be changed that supplies the power for the USB ports because mine do not respond to anything unless they are indiependently powered


Vu+ User
From time to time it is good practice to hover out dust form your vu+ box or you could use an air spray!


Vu+ User
Another tip, purchase an anti surge plug top or plug board, because when there is a power cut and the power is switched back on a lager currant than normal is sent through the household circuits and this can damage beyond repair anything that is electronic that is still plugged in, especially our lovely VU+ boxes!