version of official firmware - 1.6 vs 2.1


Vu+ Newbie
Hello all
I have just received my new Solo2 and first step I thought about is to update firmware but I have no clue where to find what version is in my device.
The only thing I have found is in the About : May 2013-vu plus experimental factorytest or
image: Experimental 2013-05-21
So no numbering.. I have found after a lot of search a web but there seems to be 2 versions 1.6 or 2.1. I could not find any information abouth what is the difference.
Can someone help me to understand what is what?
I will also, in a second step later on and if I feel a bit more confident in my skills, update to one of the community firmwares not sure yet which one. Some big reason to choose one of the other ? (black hole vs VIT vs ....) Just rought aspects so I can start to think about which one. I am quite lost... (more stable, more services, more.. etc...)
Sorry to bug you with this but there is a such amount of information that i have no idea where to start...
Thanks a lot

ps: not sure if this question is breaking the rules, but any other forums I should also read to build some knowledge?