Vu Plus Solo 4k - Sony PlayTV Tuner


Vu+ Newbie
Is it possible to modify what the OSD panel shows when changing channels?

I've just successfully added and tuned in a PlayTV dual DVB-T tuner on BalckHole. It was simple plug and play. The only issue installing was that I had to enter the manual tuning dialogue to scan it. The twin tuners are now showing as Tuners K & L (SCEH-0036 DVB-T).

They are not as fast as the built-in ones, but as it only cost me a fiver I'm really pleased.

Just one small issue, the OSD panel that shows channel, program, time etc only lists tuners A - J, and is missing these 2 (K & L). Does anyone know where I need to make changes to show the extra 2 tuners? I've no issue with modifying configs usinge Telnet/SSH if needed.