Webradio 10.03


Vu+ Newbie
Hi , i use here one VU+ Ultimo with your last img 1.7.9
I can see in last 10 upload ( in BH Download Manage ) you propose the plugin webradio 10.03
I can install this plugin but i can't use because it seems something is missing , there is no webradio in the plugin menu
Thanks for help


Vu+ Newbie
Yes , this message :
Extension/webradioFS(no module named sqlite 3 )

this is a problem that I've already with plugins that do not come from your server on Blackhole can not install on other images and it is no problem
Lately I wanted to put the plugin that allows you to answer lsusb ( libusb_0.1.12-r0_mipsel.ipk ) and here again I am not able to install, damage


>>English Admin<<
OK, what you need to do is start a telnet session.
I suggest you use putty as you can copy and paste these commands.

opkg update
opkg install python-sqlite3

Now restart GUI

I have the same error as you with 10.06 and after the update all is OK

Let me know if this works for you.


Vu+ User
Where can I find detailed documentation about these "hidden" options and commands? It seems that all Vu+ boxes have many many more option not available through normal GUI but just using telnet, serial port and so on..... Is there any particular guide or web site where these options are clearly explained? Thank you.


>>English Admin<<
Where can I find detailed documentation about these "hidden" options and commands? It seems that all Vu+ boxes have many many more option not available through normal GUI but just using telnet, serial port and so on..... Is there any particular guide or web site where these options are clearly explained? Thank you.
Unless you understand coding then there is no simple explanation to your question.
I found the fix using google and then trying it for myself.