animation setup Vu+ Help me


BH Lover
Hey Guys

please help me add animation setup and edit via Vu+



An animation consists of a <animation> tag and a number of child-tags defining the type of animation.

required <animation>-tag attributes are
- key="unique_key" - Has to be unique
- duration="xyz" - Duration of the complete animation in milliseconds (ms)

optional <animation>-tag attributes are
- title="User defined Name" - Display Name for the UI

- interpolate="linear|accelerate|decelerate|overshoot|bounce" - Defines the Animation Progress interpolator.
  - accelerate: An interpolator where the rate of change starts out slowly and then accelerates
    - optional attribute: factor="1.0" - Degree (as float) to which the animation should be eased. Setting factor to 1.0f produces a y=x^2 parabola.
                                           Increasing factor above 1.0f increases the ease-in effect (i.e., it starts even slower and ends even faster)

  - decelerate: An interpolator where the rate of change starts out quickly and and then decelerates.
    - optional attribute: factor="1.0" - Degree (as float) to which the animation should be eased. Setting factor to 1.0 produces an upside-down y=x^2 parabola.
                                           Increasing factor above 1.0 makes increases the ease-out effect (i.e., it starts even faster and ends even slower)

  - overshoot: An interpolator where the change flings forward and overshoots the last value then comes back.
    - optional attribute: tension="2.0" - Amount of overshoot (as float). When tension equals 0.0f, there is no overshoot and the interpolator becomes a simple deceleration interpolator.

  -bounce:  An interpolator where the change bounces at the end.

Animating properties:
One may currently animate:
- alpha -> <alpha> and <alpha_hide>
- position -> <position> and <position_hide>
- size -> <size> and <size_hide>

Tags without "_hide"-postfix are "show" animations. Tags with "_hide"-postfix are hide animations.
When no explicit <*_hide> definition is present the "show" definition will be automatically reversed for hiding, this is especially useful for things like fade-in/fade-out.
On "Auto-Reversed" hide-animations the PROGRESS value will be inverted - mathematically speaking it'll become "1.0 - progress" instead of "progress" where 0.0 = 0%, 1.0 = 100%.
Please note that this also reverses the interpolation effects (which may look odd, depending on the interpolator).

* Common Attributes:
  - value
    - for "show" animations it defines the start value
    - for "hide" animations it defines the target value
    - 0.0 = 0%
    - 1.0 = 100%
  - interpolate - exactly the same as interpolate in <animation>. When present overrides the interpolator defined in the <animation> tag.

* <alpha>-specific attributes
* <position>-specific optional attributes
  - animateY="" - only Animate the Y Axis (="" makes the parser happy, value is of no matter)
  - animateX="" - only Animate the X-Axis (="" makes the parser happy, value is of no matter)
  -> if neither animateY nor animateX are present, X- and Y-Axis will be animated

* <size>-specific optional attributes
  - animateW="" - only Animate the width (="" makes the parser happy, value is of no matter)
  - animateH="" - only Animate the height (="" makes the parser happy, value is of no matter)
  - centered="" - center point based size animations
                  this means the size animations will influence the current top-left position (="" makes the parser happy, value is of no matter)
  -> if neither animateW nor animateH have been set, width and height will be animated

You may combine all 3 types of animations, but only one of each kind for one type of animation (show/hide).

    <animation key="simple_fade" title="Simple fade" duration="250" interpolate="linear">
        <alpha val="0.0" />
    <animation key="slide_left_to_right" title="Slide in left + Slide out right" duration="250">
        <position val="-1.0" animateX="" />
        <position_hide val="2.0" animateX="" />
    <animation key="slide_right_to_left" title="Slide in right + Slide out left" duration="250">
        <position val="2.0" animateX="" />
        <position_hide val="-1.0" animateX="" />
    <animation key="slide_top_to_bottom" title="Slide in top + Slide out bottom" duration="250">
        <position val="-1.0" animateY="" />
        <position_hide val="2.0" animateY="" />
    <animation key="zoom_and_fade" title="Zoom in + Shrink out with crossfading" duration="250">
        <alpha val="0.5" />
        <size val="0,0" centered=""/>
        <size_hide val="0,0" centered=""/>
    <animation key="grow_left_shrink_top" title="Grow from left + Shrink to top" duration="250">
        <size val="0,0" animateW=""/>
        <size_hide val="0,0" animateH=""/>
    <animation key="wizard_previous" title="Slide in left + Slide out right (Wizard)" duration="1000">
        <position val="-1.0" animateX="" interpolate="overshoot" tension="3.0"/>
        <position_hide val="2.0" animateX="" interpolate="accelerate" factor="1.5"/>
    <animation key="wizard_next" title="Slide in right + Slide out left (Wizard)" duration="1000">
        <position val="2.0" animateX="" interpolate="overshoot" tension="3.0"/>
        <position_hide val="-1.0" animateX="" interpolate="accelerate" factor="1.5"/>


  <screen name="AnimationSetup" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" title="Animation Setup" backgroundColor="transparent" flags="wfNoBorder">
    <ePixmap pixmap="Nuke.FHD/bg/main.png" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" transparent="0" zPosition="-1" />
    <widget backgroundColor="background" font="Regular; 30" foregroundColor="title" position="360,77" render="Label" size="600,40" source="Title" transparent="1" zPosition="1" />
    <ePixmap alphatest="blend" pixmap="Nuke.FHD/buttons/red.png" position="375,990" size="10,25" />
    <ePixmap alphatest="blend" pixmap="Nuke.FHD/buttons/green.png" position="675,990" size="10,25" />
    <ePixmap alphatest="blend" pixmap="Nuke.FHD/buttons/yellow.png" position="975,990" size="10,25" />
    <ePixmap alphatest="blend" pixmap="Nuke.FHD/buttons/blue.png" position="1275,990" size="10,25" />
    <widget name="key_red" position="395,982" zPosition="1" size="260,40" font="Thin; 24" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="background" transparent="1" foregroundColor="button" />
    <widget name="key_green" position="695,982" zPosition="1" size="260,40" font="Thin; 24" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="background" transparent="1" foregroundColor="button" />
    <!--            <widget name="key_yellow" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" /> -->
    <widget name="key_blue" position="1295,982" zPosition="1" size="260,40" font="Thin; 24" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="background" transparent="1" foregroundColor="button" />
    <widget name="list" position="360,150" size="1230,800" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" transparent="1" />

Please help me start Vu+Duo2

Animations setup

Python files where script

script animations setup


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