Bug BH 3.03 and 3.04 Vu+ Ultimo 4k


Vu+ Newbie
Good morning,
I have installed several BH's versions and always the same problem happens in all of them. When tunning a channel in order to unload the Movistar+ epg the BH image crashs and start restarting.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Good morning,
I have installed several BH's versions and always the same problem happens in all of them. When tunning a channel in order to unload the Movistar+ epg the BH image crashs and start restarting.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Bad epg data ?

Disable MHW EPG and try to use CrossEPG for EPG.

Blue button >>Red>>Red>> Enable Mhw2 internal reader >> no >>Save red button


Vu+ Newbie
Thank you for his help.
I have done what you say but in " epg setup " the following options go out:
- Enable OpenTv EPG Loader
- Ebable EIT now/next in infobar
- Enable EIT Epg in Channel list
- Enable EPG Poput Notifications
- Enable EPG Buttons in Channel list
- Path to save Epg File



Vu+ Newbie
He instalado: BlackHole-3.0.4-vuultimo4k_usb_release_20170909_0782c55
Build: 2017-09-05-master
reVB drivers: 20170831.r5
Kernel version: 3.14.28

When I give him to update, it answers me: " 0 installed or updated packages "