Kodi 15.2


Vu+ User
Kodi 15.2 is up and running on the open spa image. Is it the open spa team that compiled it or Vu .As its open source can it not be added to the Bh images


Vu+ Newbie
How i know its one guy working on it in the openpli forum
I don't know if i can put link to external forum but maybe somebody interest to help him


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- updated to latest stable release 15.2

- ContextMenu is bind to mute button, Escape is bind to exit button (idea taken from http://www.vuplus-community.net/)

- remote mount used hdd can be used as storage

- added Enigma2Player based on ExternalPlayer

* gathers subtitles links from addons and passes it to clients

- Enigma2Player is set as default player for every video/audio

Kodi E2 plugin(kodiext):

- subtitles support by subssupport plugin

- correctly handles xbmc urls with added http headers

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Vu+ User
The point I'm making is that the plug in exists and works..... and hopefully the blackhole team will adapt it for there images the same as any other system plug in.
Not to take anything away from the one being developed on the open pli forum for the pli image


How i know its one guy working on it in the openpli forum
I don't know if i can put link to external forum but maybe somebody interest to help him


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- updated to latest stable release 15.2

- ContextMenu is bind to mute button, Escape is bind to exit button (idea taken from http://www.vuplus-community.net/)

- remote mount used hdd can be used as storage

- added Enigma2Player based on ExternalPlayer

* gathers subtitles links from addons and passes it to clients

- Enigma2Player is set as default player for every video/audio

Kodi E2 plugin(kodiext):

- subtitles support by subssupport plugin

- correctly handles xbmc urls with added http headers

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Developer this kodi i think now go to openspa [ im no see more answered from he on pli forum ].
I think he and other developer from openspa image start work on kodi 16.0 .


Vu+ User
Developer this kodi i think now go to openspa [ im no see more answered from he on pli forum ].
I think he and other developer from openspa image start work on kodi 16.0 .
That's good news as regards kodi being bought right up to date , I read on the pli forum that some drivers needed for kodi and the vu were not used by the pli image ,maybe that's why he moved on.
Will the blackhole team bring this plugin to their images,which in my opinion are the best all round images.
Openspa with Kodi 15.2 runs well in Multiboot