XBMC Resolution only 720p


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys,

Can someone tell me how to change the resolution on XBMC? On my choice of resolutions I am only getting 720p. Presumably this plays all videos at 720p as well. Where is the option for 1080p or how do I change this? Thank you!


Hi guys,

Can someone tell me how to change the resolution on XBMC? On my choice of resolutions I am only getting 720p. Presumably this plays all videos at 720p as well. Where is the option for 1080p or how do I change this? Thank you!

The resolution you have is for xbmc appearance screens ---> The videos resolution depends of the source resolution. Test running a local video ( Full HD Video ) on XBMC, on you´ll get the video reproduced as the source is!

best regards


Vu+ Newbie
In 1080p films im seeing squishy image like it's not native proportions.

Using solose bh 2.1.5
Xbmc launcher is configured to 720p but the image proportions are not normal.
The tv is 1080p

Maybe I'm doing something wrong on some config. Maybe tv config switch to auto


Have You installed MEDIAPLAYER2? As your default XBMC Mediaplayer.

If so ... on playing movies ... press key 5 ---> until you get the video as must be, cause if you have 1920x1080 and your TV Set is full HD ---> you´ll get the full screen. By other side, if you have 1920x800 --> you´ll get a screen with two black bars ( horizontal bars ).

best regards
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Vu+ Newbie
Thanks for the reply. Is there any way to get XBMC appearance to run in 1080p as well? Do you know if the 'adjust display refresh rate to match video' option within XBMC works correctly? When I use auto resolution which is built into the image it seems to work ok, but when I stop what I'm watching, XBMC snaps back to a 720p windowed mode. Hope that makes sense. Thank you!


Vu+ Newbie
Your the man nunigaia. Nice advice didn't know that 5 key resolution trick.
